Вид на город


Hi, my name is Vladimir

For 6 years now, I have been leading tours of the most beloved city on Earth.

One day I realized for myself that in St. Petersburg it is necessary to deal with St. Petersburg.

After all, this is a living museum with many unique features, a giant cast of three of the brightest epochs of our country, a real stone book, every page of which is interesting and useful to learn to read.


I want to talk about St. Petersburg, I want to show St. Petersburg.

Most of all, I like to immerse myself in the atmosphere of historical events that have not yet completed their cycle, which still have an impact on the reality around us. I like to build routes around those objects inside which the presence of the heroes of my stories is still felt, where you can hear the echo of their recent stormy conversations, those objects whose walls still retain the warmth of the passing era.

The central themes are literature, music, painting and other art forms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

I don’t like to rush, because in the rush you can miss the most interesting things.

Russian Russian literature. Therefore, in connection with the last two revelations, I would like to wish to read and reread the Russian classics, because as Professor Carl Proffer of the University of Michigan said: “Russian literature is more interesting than sex.”

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