
I have been working as a guide for more than 6 years, and I started doing this because of my huge, unbridled curiosity about architecture, history, and the people of the largest northern city in the world.
I try to convey information in as accessible a language as possible, and I find comparisons from modern times for concepts unusual for an ordinary person. For example, to explain the “architectural metaphor from the past” on the facade of the building, I say the architect “left us an Easter egg.”
Most of all, I love the port and industrial landscapes: the Sea Channel, the Gunboat Island, Cable-stayed bridges. What kind of stories do you like to tell? Stories that have been verified in several sources, and which are far from myths and tall tales about St. Petersburg.
The most inspiring thing in the world is reading books. The more books there are, the more inspiration there is. And reading books about St. Petersburg is inspiration multiplied by inspiration.
I don’t like the alternative history of the city and uncultured people.
I recommend the book by Vladimir Mikhnevich “Petersburg is all in the palm of your hand” and Katrina Kelly “Petersburg”. I can recommend Alexey Uchitel’s “Walk” from the film. For the atmosphere, turn on Tchaikovsky’s music.
I’m in the era I should be in, and it can’t be any other way. Come to my excursions at Panoramic SPb